Fondo concistoriale, 1409-1907.


Fondo concistoriale, 1409-1907.

The Fondo Concistoriale is composed of materials from the Archivum sacri collegii cardinalium and the Archivio del Sostituto. The Consistory was the regular assembly of the cardinals under the presidency of the pope, with its normal and extraordinary business, including the collation of reserved major benefices, at least three centuries before the Congregatio Consistorialis came into existence to exercise the residues of the Consistory's functions. This is why some records and copies here are older than the congregation.

3l linear m.





SNAC Resource ID: 6838590

Bentley Historical Library

Related Entities

There are 1 Entities related to this resource.

Catholic Church. Congregatio Consistorialis (corporateBody)

This congregation derives its title from the Consistory, or College of Cardinals, since its chief duty has been to prepare matters, by examination and discussion, for the Consistory. Among the congregations founded by the constitution Immensa aeterni Dei (22 Jan 1588), Sixtus V gave third place to the Congregatio pro Erectione Ecclesiarum et Provisionibus Consistorialibus. The congregation was charged with preparing the acts regarding decisions for the formal approval of...